Monthly Archives: October 2017


October 2017

Helicopter Pilot Time Building

What is time building? The path to becoming a professional helicopter pilot can be an expensive process, and there is a considerable gap between when a pilot receives their private license and when they are ready for their commercial certificate. The difference in required time is 110 hours. Most flight schools charge up to $350 [...]

Helicopter Frost Patrol In The Hudson Valley

How can I save my crops from frost? We do not have all of the solutions, but we do have one very effective option for you. Hudson Valley Helicopters is happy to support our local agriculture market with frost prevention services and it is that time of year again.  Frost can not only kill a [...]

Learn to Fly A Helicopter FAQ

HAI (Helicopter Association International) is an organization and advocacy group for helicopter pilots, owners, operators and associated businesses. Not only do they support the growth of business, but they also push for a safer flight environment with support from pilots, and industry research. HAI puts forth a tremendous amount of effort for pilots, their welfare [...]

The most economical helicopter trainer, Hughes TH55

We proudly teach with a Hughes TH–55. The TH–55 is an incredibly reliable training helicopter that was used to train countless military warrant officers throughout history. Not only is the helicopter tremendously reliable, but it also has a fully articulated rotor system preparing students for the complex systems on larger turbine helicopters. The following information [...]